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Who we are

Asset Finance Compared is a platform that was created by MAF Finance Group.

We identified the need to help SMEs access funding quickly back in 2016, and after a year of development, we launched the platform in 2017.

Due to the COVID pandemic in 2019, there was a huge influx of people using technology in ways they’d never done before.

The likes of Microsoft Teams and Zoom came to the forefront as the go-to for remote calls and meetings.

The same went for businesses, as the world continued to adapt to a world that no longer relied on face-to-face communication.

Asset Finance Compared fits right in that space.

By using the platform, we don’t need to visit business owners for the inspection of the asset they’re purchasing.

And, more importantly, users can get a quote instantly.

As we continue to move into an increasingly digital world, Asset Finance Compared gives businesses the quickness of getting access to funding at the click of a button.